Protecting Rights
OKT is a forceful advocate for Aboriginal and treaty rights. We find creative solutions to protect your rights using all the tools of Canadian law. Our broad expertise includes modern land claim negotiations and implementation, litigation (from the Supreme Court of Canada to regulatory tribunals), situations involving the duty to consult and accommodate, and many others.
- Affirming Treaty Rights and Aboriginal Rights and Title
- Hunting and Trapping defences
- Duty to Consult and Accommodate
- Injunctions
- Judicial Reviews
- Regulatory and Tribunal Hearings
- Claims for Breaches of Treaty and Aboriginal Rights
- Treaty fulfilment
- Fiduciary breaches
- Flooding Claims
- Specific Claims
- Regulatory and Tribunal Hearings
- Environmental Tribunals and Commissions
- Land Use Planning Tribunals
- Electricity Regulators
- Resource Development Boards
- Contractual Disputes