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Aboriginal title can be declared over privately-owned land
Friday, November 15, 2024
The six Wolastoqey Nations in New Brunswick recently received a precedent-setting decision in their Aboriginal title claim. In Wolastoqey Nations v New Brunswick…
Is the new Human Rights Museum a monument to hypocrisy?
You may have seen news coverage of the controversial opening of the new Canadian Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg. The Museum, while touted as a marvel by Canada, has been…
Read More...The dangerous mythology of vanishing explorers and tragically decimated Indians
I have always loved polar exploration stories. And my husband's family, who are related to the famed Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, traditionally swap arctic adventure books at Christmas and I…
Read More...Court to Crown: Please stop making excuses for not fulfilling your treaty obligations
The Quebec Court of Appeal recently released a new decision called Makivik c Quebec (Procureure générale) on the duty of the Crown to comply with treaty obligations. The decision…
Read More...Court to Crown: Please stop making excuses for not fulfilling your treaty obligations
The Quebec Court of Appeal recently released a new decision called Makivik c Quebec (Procureure générale) on the duty of the Crown to comply with treaty obligations. The decision…
Read More...Court to Crown: Please stop making excuses for not fulfilling your treaty obligations
The Quebec Court of Appeal recently released a new decision called Makivik c Quebec (Procureure générale) on the duty of the Crown to comply with treaty obligations. …
Read More...Ontario Court of Appeal Takes a Few Digs at the Doctrine of Discovery and the Indian Act (while clarifying On-Reserve Debt Enforcement)
**UPDATE – On February 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada denied leave to appeal this decision. This means that the Ontario Court of Appeal’s judgment stands and remains the…