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Aboriginal title can be declared over privately-owned land
Friday, November 15, 2024
The six Wolastoqey Nations in New Brunswick recently received a precedent-setting decision in their Aboriginal title claim. In Wolastoqey Nations v New Brunswick…
A Primer on the Constitutional Duty to Consult
We at OKT LLP followed closely the events that involved the Elsipogtog First Nation in New Brunswick yesterday, and continue to monitor the situation as it develops. We saw many…
Read More...Supreme Court Dismisses Case Challenging Nisga'a Agreement
The Supreme Court recently rejected the opportunity to hear a case by members of the Nisga’a Nation who wanted to challenge the Nisga’a Final Agreement and Settlement Legislation. As a…
Read More...Do First Nations Have "An Iron Grip on Ontario's Economy"?
The Law Times recently published an article entitled “First Nations have Iron Grip on Ontario’s Economy”. As a firm we thought that this article was problematic in…
Read More...OKT at the IBA
OKT is pleased to be attending and presenting at the Indigenous Bar Association’s 25th Annual Fall Conference to be held from October 7-9th at Casino Rama in Mnjikaning, Ontario.
Read More...AANDC's ATRIS database has dangerous gaps in data
On September 23, AANDC announced the launch of its Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS). Minister Valcourt stated that ATRIS is supposed to “enable people across Canada to access…
Read More...Matrimonial Real Property on Reserves: Bill S-2 Passed
The Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act is a new law that has recently been passed by the federal government. At some future date it will…