Resource Sharing Protocols

Resource Sharing Protocols

We have represented First Nations in all phases of mineral and energy development, from discovery to closure, and have significant experience representing the interests of First Nations in the Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Labrador, Nunavut, Yukon, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta on a range of major resource matters, including mining projects, hydroelectric developments, forestry projects, roads, transmission lines and pipelines.

Our work in this area includes:

  • The Snap Lake, Diavik, Ekati and Gahcho Kue diamond mines in the NWT;
  • The Voisey’s Bay Mine and several major iron ore projects in Labrador;
  • Negotiations and litigation related to Ontario’s Ring of Fire development;
  • The Lower Churchill Project (hydro dam and transmission line) in Labrador;
  • Two hydroelectric dams on the White River in Northern Ontario;
  • Major oil sands projects in Northern Alberta;
  • Uranium mining and milling projects in Northern Saskatchewan; and
  • Forestry licenses and management plans in Manitoba, Ontario, the NWT, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
