Publications and Media
- Editor, Aboriginal Law Handbook, 5th Edition (Toronto: Thomson Reuters), 2018.
- Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts (Participant in documentary about the Doctrine of Discovery, April 2019)
- Indigenous Law and Regulatory Frameworks: The Evolving Landscape (Presentation of Lorraine Land, Ben Bradshaw, Celeste Haldane, Kevin O’Callaghan and Mark Cliffe-Phillips to the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, March 2019)
- Shared Decision-Making as an Indigenous Rights Solution (Presentation at Ontario Bar Association Confernce, February 2019)
- Recognizing Indigenous Rights: Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (Presentation to the North American Congress for Conservation Biology, July 2018)
- Shared Decision-Making Models for Indigenous Communities (Presentation to the Ontario Bar Association, February 2019).
- SCC clarifies role of National Energy Board in consultation process, OKT Blog July 2017
- ADD: Recent Supreme Court decisions fail to embrace promise of UNDRIP and renewed nation to nation relationship, OKT Blog, July 2017
- OKT partner Lorraine Land explains the two new SCC decisions on consultation and accommodation on BNN
- Who is Afraid of the Big Bad FPIC? The Evolving Integration of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into Canadian Law and Policy, May 2016
- "Rethinking legal education – the Anishnaabe Law Camp", OKT Blog, September 26, 2016
- "TRC@1: Pop goes the weasel words? Translating UNDRIP into action", OKT Blog, May 12, 2016
- "ACFN Lawsuit Challenges Alberta Consultation Regime", OKT Blog, January 15, 2015
- "The dangerous mythology of vanishing explorers and tragically decimated Indians", OKT Blog, September 11, 2014
- “Creating the Perfect Storm for Conflicts Over Aboriginal Rights?”, OKT Blog Post, February 6, 2014.
- Conference Paper and Presentation, “Creating the Perfect Storm for Conflicts Over Aboriginal Rights: Critical New Developments in the Law of Aboriginal Consultation”, January 27, 2014, Aboriginal Law and Resource Development Conference, Commons Institute (Toronto).
- Presentation, “Decolonizing Relationships: Treaties and Beyond”, March 16, 2013, Annual Conference of the Law Union of Ontario.
- “A Legislative Road Map as Idle No More Revs Up”, OKT Blog Post, January 3, 2013.
- Presentation, “Aboriginal Title and Land Claims”, June 29, 2012, Fundamentals of Aboriginal Law Conference, Canadian Institute (Toronto).
- “Taking a Second Look at Those Attawapiskat Numbers”, OKT Blog Post, December 13, 2011.
- Presentation, “Death By A Thousand Goose Bites: First Nation – Municipal Consultation”, September 21, 2011, Negotiating With Aboriginal Communities Conference, Canadian Institute (Toronto).
- Lorraine Land, “Bearing and Sharing the Duty to Consult and Accommodate in the Grey Areas in Consultation: Municipalities, Crown Corporations and Agents, Commissions, and the Like” (Paper presented at the Aboriginal Law, Consultation and Accommodation Conference, Canadian Institute, February 24, 2011).
- Presentation, “Seeing the Consultation Forest for the Trees: Bearing and Sharing the Duty to Consult and Accommodate in the “Grey” Areas of Consultation”, February 23-24, 2011, Aboriginal Law, Consultation & Accommodation Conference, Canadian Institute (Toronto).
- Co-editor, “Nation to Nation: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada”, with John Bird and Murry MacAdam (Toronto: Citizens for Public Justice, 2003).
- Lorraine Land (with H.W. Roger Townshend), “Land Claims: Stuck in Never-never Land”, in J. Bird, L. Land & M. MacAdam, eds., Nation to Nation, Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada (Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 2002).
- Lorraine Land, “Gathering Dust or Gathering Strength? What Should Canada Do with the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples” in Blindspots: Perspectives on the Federal Government’s Response to the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Ottawa: Aboriginal Rights Coalition, 2001).
- Lorraine Land, “Opinion Editorial: Burnt Church One of Many Simmering Hotspots”, September 1999, Toronto Star.
- Lorraine Land, “Playing Environmental Roulette with Aboriginal Cultures”, June 21-22, 1999, A Submission to the Inter-Church Inquiry into Northern Hydro Development and the Churchill-Nelson Hydro-Electric Project (Winnipeg).
- Lorraine Land, “Wîciwetowin – Walking Together. A Resource Kit on Aboriginal Issues” (Toronto: World Vision and the CJL Foundation, 1998).
- Lorraine Land, “Bibles and Blockades” in D. Englestad and J. Bird, ed. Nation to Nation: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada, 1st ed., (Toronto: Stoddart/Anansi: 1992) at 210.
- Lorraine Land, The Toolbox for Justice and Stewardship: A Kit for Activists (Toronto: CJL Foundation, 1992).
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