Representative Work
- Advice to First Nations, as well as regional and national Indigenous organizations, regarding Fisheries Act regulations and policies.
- Advice to First Nations and Indigenous organizations regarding protection of Indigenous knowledge and Indigenous data sovereignty issues.
- Counsel to First Nations in exploration agreements and Impact and Benefit Agreements involving mining, oil and gas, and municipal projects.
- Counsel to First Nation in early exploration mining project resulting in an exploration agreement ensuring protection of community cultural and burial sites.
- Counsel to a First Nation successfully quashing a mineral exploration permit for inadequate consultation.
- Counsel to Innu Nation in lawsuit against Hydro-Quebec for damage caused by flooding from the Churchill Falls Generating Station.
- Counsel to Innu Nation in injunction against Newfoundland and Labrador regarding impacts of financial restructuring of Muskrat Falls Dam on IBA benefits.
- Co-counsel to Inuvialuit Regional Corporation in its intervention before the Supreme Court of Canada, advocating for the application of UNDRIP in Clyde River (Hamlet).
Publications and Media
- Presentation and Panel, "Section 35 Aboriginal Rights Framework", Certificate in Fundamentals of Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law, Osgoode Professional Development, 25 March 2021
- Presentation and Panel, "Consulting with Indigenous Communities During a Pandemic," Osgoode Professional Development, 13 May 2020.
- Panel, "Perspectives on the Duty to Consult and Accommodate," Fundamentals of Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law, Osgoode Professional Development, 7 April 2020.
- Presentation, "UNDRIP in 2020: Implications of BC’s DRIPA and UNDRIP implementation across Canada", National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA) Regional Training, Whitehorse, 11 March 2020.
- Co-editor, Aboriginal Law Handbook, 5th Edition (Toronto: Thomson Reuters), 2018.
- "Indigenous Voices Needed in Review of Copyright Act", 18 September 2018
- Presentation, "Leveraging the Duty to Consult to Protect Water", Beyond the Duty to Consult, Trent University, 1 March 2019.
- Presentation, "Intellectual Property Rights and the protection of Indigenous Knowledge", 3rd Annual Indigenous Consultation Atlantic Conference, Halifax, October 22-24, 2018.
- Workshop, "Building Effective Partnership Agreements", 3rd Annual Indigenous Consultation Atlantic Conference, Halifax, October 22-24, 2018.
- Presentation, "Advancing Consent: Realizing the Promise of FPIC", Workshop on Best Practices in the Duty to Consult and Accommodate, 13 October 2017.
- Keynote Speech, "Treaty Renewal as Economic Development," at First Nations Economic Advancement Conference hosted by the Ontario First Nations Economic Developers Association, 11 October 2017
- "Premier needs a history lesson on rights", Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 27, 2017
- Environmental Regulatory Reviews Update: Canada’s process for reviews still falling short, OKT Blog, November 14, 2016
- "What if Canada held coast-to-coast environmental review hearings and nobody came?", OKT Blog, September 29, 2016
- "Implications of Northern Gateway decision on Energy East", OKT Blog, July 14, 2016
- “Overlapping Claims and Shared Territories”, The Commons Institute Presentation, 13 December 2012, Toronto, Ontario.
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