Representative Work
- Lead counsel for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs in an intervention before the Public Utilities Board that secured a discounted Hydro rate for on-reserve residents
- Represented the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs before the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the duties of the Crown to protect Indigenous lands
- Represented the Shibogama First Nations Council in the Supreme Court of Canada, in defence of the protection of Indigenous sacred spaces as Charter rights
- Represented the Innu Nation before the Newfoundland and Labrador Public Utilities Board to ensure fair electricity rates for their communities
- Represented the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation before the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench in defence of their right to be consulted about energy projects that affect their harvesting rights
- Led the expert selection process for a large land claim litigation
Publications and Media
- With Brooke Barrett, "Time is on Our Side: Colonialism through laches and limitations of actions in the age of reconciliation" in Special Lectures 2017: Canada at 150: The Charter and the Constitution" (Law Society of Upper Canada, 2017)
- "TRC@1: Gratitude for the invitation to the Treaty relationship", OKT Blog, May 26, 2016
- "Traditional Knowledge collection, confidentiality, and ownership: some issues to consider", OKT Blog, May 18, 2016
- "Ditching the doctrine of discovery (and what that means for Canadian law)", OKT Blog, November 30, 2015
- "SCC case will affect expert witnesses in Aboriginal rights cases (WBLI v Abbott and Haliburton)", OKT Blog, May 27, 2015
- "Bill C-51 could be a blank cheque to the government to stifle Indigenous dissent", with Michael McClurg, OKT Blog, February 10, 2015
- “The Law of the Land: New Jurisprudence on Aboriginal Title“, The Supreme Court Law Review v. 67, 2014
- "The Tsilhqot'in Decisions and Indigenous Law on Sacred Spaces", OKT Blog, December 9, 2014
- "Court to Crown: Please stop making excuses for not fulfilling your treaty obligations", OKT Blog, August 27, 2014
- "Supreme Court releases decision in Keewatin", with Cathy Guirguis, OKT Blog, July 11, 2014
- “In a first for a Canadian court, SCC recognizes Aboriginal title for Tsilhqot’in Nation” (with Andrea Bradley), OKT Blog Post, June 26, 2014
- “Sacred places in the Treaty Relationship“, presentation to As Long as the Rivers Flow, treaty rights conference 2014
- “A De-Spirited Land: Recent jurisprudence on Aboriginal title“, presentation to Osgoode Constitutional Cases Conference 2014, April 2014.
- Guest Lecturer in Access to Justice, “Aboriginal Law Litigation”, February 2014, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law.
- “Ahousaht decision affirming Aboriginal fishing rights stands”, OKT Blog Post, January 30, 2014.
- Guest Lecturer in Osgoode Professional development LLM Course on Aboriginal Communities and Resource Development, “Aboriginal Title”, January 2014.
- “Fraser Institute to First Nations: Just be glad it’s not 1947”, OKT Blog Post, December 12, 2013.
- “BC Court of Appeal affirms Aboriginal commercial fishing rights”, OKT Blog Post, July 5, 2013.
- “Looking at ‘justified infringement’ and pipelines”, OKT Blog Post, April 18, 2013.
- “The upcoming Supreme Court of Canada case on Aboriginal title”, OKT Blog Post, January 25, 2013.
- Senwung Luk, “Not So Many Hats: The Crown’s Fiduciary Obligations to Aboriginal Communities since Guerin” (2013) 76:1 Sask L Rev.
- Senwung Luk “Justified Infringement: a Minimal Impairment Approach” (2013) 25 J Envtl L & Prac 169.
- Guest Lecturer in Property Law, “Aboriginal Title”, 2010 – 2013, Osgoode Hall Law School.
- Presentation, “Justified Infringement: A Minimal Impairment Approach”, May 2012, Journal of Environmental Law Conference.
- Senwung Luk (with F. Ahmed), “How Religious Arbitration Could Enhance Personal Autonomy” (2012) Oxford J of L & Rel 1
- Senwung Luk (with F. Ahmed), “Religious Arbitration: A Study of Legal Safeguards“ (2011) 77 Arbitration 290.
- Senwung Luk, “Confounding Concepts: Judicial recognition of the constitutional protection of the Aboriginal right to self-government in Canada” (2010) 41:1 Ottawa L Rev.
- Senior Editor, Osgoode Hall Law Journal (2005-2006) Osgoode Hall LJ.
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